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 In china, you can apply for Invention patents, Utility Model patents and Design patents.

"Invention" in the Patent Law refers to any new technical solution in relation with a product, a process, or an improvement. The technical skills involved in Invention patents are the highest, while the inventive work done by the inventor is very important. A new product, manufacturing processes, or usage methods can all be protected by Invention patents.

"Utility model" refers to any new technical solution relating to the shape, the structure, or the combination of the two, of a product, which has practical utility. Please note that any improvement of a process can be protected by Utility Model patent only if it is related to the shape, the structure or the combination of the two, of a product.

"Design" means any new design of the shape, the pattern, or the combination of the two, or the combination of the colour with the shape or the pattern, of a product, which creates an esthetic feeling and is fit for industrial application. Therefore any design can be protected by Design patents if it is related to the shape, the pattern, or the  combination of the two, or the combination of the colour with the shape or the pattern, of a product, which creates an aesthetic feeling and is fit for industrial application.