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           Home < Application & Registration < Trademark Registration     

Any  natural person, legal entity or other organization intending to acquire  the exclusive right to use a trademark for the service rendered or the  goods produced, manufactured, processed, selected or marketed by it or  him, shall file an application for the registration of the trademark with the Trademark Office of the State Administration for Industry &  Commerce (SAIC) .  

Any foreign person or foreign enterprise intending to apply for the  registration of a trademark or for any other matters concerning a  trademark in China shall appoint any of such organizations as recognized  to be qualified for trademark agency by the State to act as his or its agent.

An applicant for the registration of a trademark shall, in a form,  indicate, in accordance with the prescribed classification of goods, the  class of the goods and the designation of the goods in respect of which  the trademark is to be use. Where any applicant for registration of a  trademark intends to use the same trademark for goods in different  classes, an application for registration shall be filed in respect of  each class of the prescribed classification of goods.