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           Home < Application & Registration < Trademark Searching Analysis    

Before  the registration process, the Trademark Searching Analysis will compare the trademark pending registration with registered, published or being registered trademark in order to determine if they are identical or similar.

Pursuant to Chinese Trademark  Mark Law, where a trademark, the registration of which has been applied for is identical with or similar to the trademark of another party that  has, in respect of the same or similar goods, been registered or, after  examination, preliminarily approved, the Trademark Office shall refuse  the application and shall not publish the said trademark. 

It is highly suggested to perform a Searching Analysis before hand, to maximize the chance for the trademark to be approved. It normally takes about 18 months for the trademark bureau to publish a trademark registration. If an application is refused due to lack of preliminary  Searching Analysis, it is not only a waste of money but also a waste of  time as the use of trademark will be seriously delayed.

The aim of the Searching Analysis is to look for identical or similar trademarks, hence assess the registration risk for our applicant. Information of previous trademarks provided by Trademark Searching Analysis is not legally binding and can not be used as legal ground for trademark registration.Trademark Searching Analysis is an indispensable procedure before trademark registration. It also provides an important reference basis for the actual application.