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Experts from CN-KnowHow were invited to speak in the Seminar on IPRs in China and Korea


Our  members, including president XIE Shunxing and legal counselor YANG  Jinqi from CN-KnowHow Intellectual Property Agent Ltd. were invited by  the Korean Patent Attorney Association (KPAA) and participated in the  Seminar on Intellectual Property Rights in China and Korea taken place on May 16, 2007 inSeoul.

The  seminar was co-organized by KPAA, Korea Invention Promotion Association  (KIPA), IP Research Institute.Mr. YANG Jinqi, who served as a legal  counselor of CN-KnowHow and the former deputy chief judge of the Supreme People Court  on Intellectual Property Division, gave a three-hour speech in the  seminar with a topic on Litigation Procedures of Intellectual Property  and Its Related Regulations in China.

Mr.  XIE and Mr. YANG took photos with Mr. AHN Gwang-Gu, Mr. KIM Myeong-Sin  and Mr. HWANG Sun-Hyo before opening of the seminar.Mr. AHN, who is the  director of KPAA, has served as the chancellor of Ministry of Commerce,  Industry and Energy (MOCIE) and the director of Korean Intellectual  Property Office.Mr. KIM who was the director of Asian Patent Attorneys  Association (APAA) and the director of KPAA.¡¡Mr. HWANG is the deputy  director of KPAA.

In  the end of speeches, over one-hour queries was raised by IP  representatives from local large enterprises and attorneys from law or  IP firms.

The  seminar was highly acknowledged and recognized by the organizers and  participants, as they believed that Korean IP specialists could gained a  further knowledge on IP litigation procedures in China, which could further benefit Korean enterprises in protecting their IP rights in China.